Friday, February 10, 2017

Be Still

I am always struck whenever I notice themes that emerge in my practice. It happens quite frequently. Another theme that has recently emerged in my practice involves people feeling overwhelmed. They are overwhelmed by work stress. They are overwhelmed with financial burdens. They are overwhelmed with family life. They are overwhelmed by life itself. Many are finding it difficult to quiet their minds and find down time to just relax. This is an all too common problem for adults.

Obviously, we cannot rid ourselves of the stresses and responsibilities that come with being a responsible adult. We do not have control over everything that life throws us. Rather than fighting against this reality and running like a hamster on a wheel, getting nowhere fast, we need to learn how to grab moments within the craziness of our lives and give ourselves time to just be. As it says in Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.” God has always known the importance of resting. We know that he made the Earth in 6 days and on the 7th day, He rested. He gave us Shabbat (the Sabbath) not just to worship Him, but also to give us rest. In Psalm 127:2, we are reminded that all of our scrambling around in life is really pointless, because He always provides, “In vain do you get up early and put off going to bed, working hard to earn a living; for He provides for His beloved.”

I have a client, whom I will call Sharon. Sharon has a very stressful job and she shared that she is having a very difficult time disconnecting from work when she is done the work day. She said that her mind is constantly going over all of the various tasks she has to do the following day. When she takes time off, she cannot enjoy it, because she finds herself preoccupied with the thoughts about all the piled up work that will be awaiting her upon her return. She admitted that it is starting to interfere with her ability to be present with her loved ones. She is there bodily, but her mind is that hamster on the wheel. We are working on Sharon developing coping strategies that allow her to release her work stress and leave work at work, so she can be emotionally available to her loved ones.

If I impart nothing else to anyone, I hope this message gets through to those reading this. Work is just a means to an end. What really matters are those whom you love. There will always be work waiting for you. That is a given. Thinking about it and thinking about it will not change that fact. Stop, be still, and be present in your life, because it goes too quickly. Remember, our Creator is our strength and He gives us what we need to complete our purpose. It says in Proverbs 19:23, “The fear of Adonai leads to life; one who has it is satisfied and rests untouched by evil.” If you trust that you have what you need to succeed, then you need not fear all the things that life throws at you, because He has equipped you. It is not worth giving up the precious time with those whom we love and it is not healthy to give up the rest for the mind, body and soul we so desperately need, so get out of your head! Remember, at the end of our lives, we will not say, “I wish I had spent more time at work.” I will add that we will also not say, “I should have worried more.” I hope this was a reminder for everyone reading this to be still, be present in your life and take the gift of rest bestowed on us by God. Get off the hamster wheel and be blessed!