Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Chag Purim Sameach!

Happy Purim everyone! For those who do not know what Purim is, it comes from the Book of Esther in the Old Testament. The holiday commemorates  the Jewish people's triumph over an evil villain named Haman (it is the Jewish tradition to yell "BOO" every time his name is mentioned). The heroes of the story are Esther, the beautiful Jewish maiden who became the Queen in the region of Shushan, Persia, and Mordechai, her cousin who raised her as his very own. Rather than telling the whole story, I invite you to read about it yourself in the Book of Esther.

What I do want to share is how the themes of Purim can be applied in our own lives. For me, the story of Purim speaks to triumph of good over evil. It speaks of faith in the face of danger and adversary. It speaks of courage to stand in your convictions in spite of the potential ramifications. It shows how honesty, loyalty, courage and love can accomplish great exploits. I also believe the story shows that justice is always done in the end, one way or another.

The character of Esther truly inspires me and it is not because of her vast beauty. Although she was a bit naïve, she showed that she had an inner strength of which she was not even aware until she was faced with a dire situation. It was commissioned for her to risk her own well being, and perhaps her very life, to stand in the gap for her people. She could have taken the easy way out. She could have turned her back on Mordechai and her Jewish brethren and enjoyed the spoils of being a Queen. However, she did not do that. She fasted for 3 days and nights and requested that all the people join her in that fast, she prayed, and she resolved to fight for the survival of her people.

Her beauty may have gotten her in the door and I am sure it helped to gain the King's favor, but ultimately, it was her courage and resolve that caught the King's undivided attention. Granted, the King did not seem to be too swift. He had been easily manipulated by the evil Haman ("BOO"), but he was swayed by Esther's determined passion for her people. Justice was done in the end and both Mordechai and Esther prospered, as did the Jewish people of the region. They defeated their enemies and Mordechai became second only to the King.

Purim is a fun holiday. Children get to dress up in costumes. We get to eat yummy cookies called hamantaschen, but for me, the story of Purim is so inspiring. Esther, Mordechai and the Jewish people faced impossible odds. They faced their very destruction, but they boldly stood up for what was right. They risked their own lives to fight for the very existence of their people. I want to believe that I would be that brave in the face of this type of danger. I would like to believe that I would not retreat and that I would fight for justice to triumph over evil. I want to be like Esther! These are noble qualities to embody. Today, I challenge you to walk boldly no matter what trials or tribulations you face. Do not retreat! Keep fighting and stand in the gap for those who cannot fight for themselves. I suppose that is why I became a social worker. I believe it is my duty to fight for those who do not have a voice or for those who have not yet learned to use their voice. I also like to help people find their voices. I resolve to be more and more like Esther every day. Will you? Chag Purim Sameach! Have a joyous Purim!