Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Finding Your Purpose: You ARE Worthy!

I see so many people struggling. After all, I would not have a private practice if people did not struggle. A common theme I see among those who suffer with depression is the belief that they have no purpose in this life. They feel useless, worthless and without hope.

I am here to tell whomever is reading this that every person has a purpose in this life! One of my favorite scriptures is Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know what plans I have in mind for you,’ says Adonai,‘plans for well-being, not for bad things; so that you can have hope and a future.'" That is so encouraging to me and I rest in that promise. You can too. God created us all, each of us, so lovingly and uniquely. Once you know who you are in Him and how precious you are in His sight, there is no way you can feel worthless.

It is time to start changing the messages that you tell yourself in your mind. It is time to gain control of your thoughts. When I describe uncontrolled thoughts, I like to use the analogy of the wild horse. When you allow your thoughts to continually run those negative and self-deprecating messages, it is like a wild horse that has taken off, with you being dragged behind as you tenuously grasp the reins. You need to take control of that horse. Get in that saddle and grab those reins with confidence. Teach that horse to ride the way you want it to ride. In other words, you can stop that negative thought cycle and replace the messages with positive, self-affirming thoughts.

I am not talking about simply giving yourself a pep talk. I am talking about grounding your thoughts in reality and reframing the way you think. We tell ourselves lies, lies about the way we look, lies about how people see us, lies about our contributions to this life. It is so easy to focus on all of the negatives. We dwell in past mistakes and day dream about what we could have done differently. We look in the mirror and focus in on all of our flaws, real or imagined. When someone behaves in a hurtful way, we personalize their behavior, as if it has something to do with us.

If you allow your thoughts to control you and your emotions, you are destined for depression. It is time to put on an attitude of gratefulness and start looking for the blessings in your life. Even if you have not yet found your purpose, do not despair. We can all contribute. I truly believe that all of our experiences, the good, the bad and the ugly, make us who we are. If we allow ourselves to learn from our mistakes, then we gain wisdom. We then take that wisdom and use it to help others through their struggles. To me, that is one of the most important purposes for which God put us on this earth. That is a purpose we all share.

Today, right now, I challenge you to put on a new attitude of gratitude. Start telling yourself "I am worthy!". Stop lamenting about a past that is gone, learn from your mistakes and then go and help others. Take the reins of that wild horse and get it under control. Instead of focusing on your flaws, tell yourself how kind you are. Thank God that you have a healthy body to do good things. Remind yourself that when someone acts in a hurtful way, they are responsible for their own behavior, not you. Start changing the messages and I promise you that your mood will improve. The more it does, the more you will realize your worth. Once you realize your worth, your purpose will make itself known to you. You are worthy! Now have a blessed day!

Know your W.O.R.T.H. (Women, Overcoming, Rotten, Thinking, Hallelujah) in GOD!

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