Sunday, April 3, 2016

Choose Courage

I would like to take a look at courage. defines courage as “the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.” That definition seems reasonable enough; however, I propose that courage can co-exist with fear. To me, courage is the ability to overcome one’s fear and do what is causing the fear anyway. Courage is not allowing one’s fear to stop one from accomplishing a task. Sometimes, that courage is found when one least expects it.

As an oncology social worker, I witness people transforming into courageous people. Being diagnosed with a potentially terminal illness can challenge the strength and emotional resolve of even the strongest person. I have watched people who thought their lives were over, who thought life would never be good again, and who thought they would never be able to face what they were about to face, become as bold and as brave as a soldier facing a long and dangerous battle. In the face of a circumstance in which the outcome is basically out of their control, I have seen people find a courage within themselves they never thought they possessed. Some of them conquered the disease and some did not, but that courage carried them through the process and made them stronger and wiser people.

Sometimes, we need to look to God to help us find that courage and that is not only perfectly acceptable, but it can also be absolutely necessary. We cannot do everything in our own strength. The lord wants us to look to Him for security and support. We would never be able to proceed with the fear we feel in our humanness if not for the knowledge that God will carry us. In Deuteronomy 31:6 God said to the people of Israel as they faced their enemies, “Be strong, be bold, and don’t be afraid or frightened of them, for Adonai your God is going with you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”  They had seen time and time again how God had saved them from calamities. They saw miracle after miracle being performed by God, yet, in their humanness, they continued to lack courage. God gave them the ability to press forward, even with their fear, and become victorious.

Over and over again, all throughout the Scriptures, people feared as they faced great danger, but God told them they did not have to fear because He was with them. As a matter of fact, it is the prevailing opinion that some variation of “fear not” is repeated in the Bible 365 times. As a disclaimer, I have not personally confirmed this, but I can confirm that God telling us not to fear is a major theme in both the Tanakh (Old Testament) and the New Testament. It was human nature to feel fear, but God was constantly reminding people that although in their own strength they may feel fear, they did not have to allow that fear to stop them because He was with them.

So how can we apply this to our own lives? I understand that not everyone reading this may believe in God, but these words are still relevant to you. I will repeat that courage and fear can co-exist. Courage is the ability to move forward even with the fear. Like the cancer patients with whom I work, we sometimes have no choice but to press onward. We have fear, but we do not have to allow that fear to paralyze us. We feel afraid, but we do the thing we have to do in spite of that. In case you have not caught the message yet, courage is a choice. Yes, we can choose to be brave. We can also choose not to be brave and we can give into the fear. We all have done that at various points in our lives. For me, when I allowed my fears to stop me from accomplishing something, I felt defeated, regretful and ashamed. Conversely, when I faced my fears and pressed forward, whether I was successful or not, I felt victorious, accomplished and proud. So let me end with this. Fear is not pleasant. It is understandable to want to avoid facing something so unpleasant; however, I suggest that regret and shame feel far worse. For me, I seek God when I am afraid and I press forward knowing He is with me. I choose courage. What will you choose? God bless!


  1. HE know we would be fearful in many of life's circumstances and that is why HE consistently states in HIS WORD---DO NOT FEAR. So the more that I get entangled in the reading of HIS WORD, especially about overcoming fear, I become a wee-bit more courageous! You are correct, we cannot do anything in our own strength, but GOD will overcome all for and through US...if we believe!

