Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Until we meet again...

One March 1st, I had published a blog entry sharing my feelings of gratitude for my precious great niece, Madelyn Joy. It is with the heaviest heart that I now express my deepest sorrow, because her story took a very tragic turn. She suddenly developed pulmonary hypertension, which severely damaged her lungs and heart. After a very tough fight from the tiniest of babies, she passed away in the arms of her mother, my niece, and joined her brother, Dylan Charles in Heaven, on April 24th.

As I am sure everyone can imagine, her death has left our family reeling. After all, she was a miracle. She survived her brother’s passing at 18 weeks. She survived the terrible infection my niece had developed from the remainder of Dylan's placenta that was left inside her uterus. She survived a very premature birth and even breathed on her own right away. She seemed to be thriving, growing from 2 pounds, 6 ounces, to 4 and a half pounds. Then she quickly went downhill as we watched helplessly. I never stopped praying. We had literally thousands of people praying for this sweet baby. I thought that since God had already brought her through so much and since she had already overcome numerous obstacles just to be born, God would bring her all the way through and heal her. However, that was not God’s plan.

Now we are left trying to make sense of this. My niece is amazingly resilient and she has been refusing to allow this to break her. The hardest thing for me to have heard her say was that she actually questioned whether God hated her, because that is what it felt like to lose not one, but 2 babies. However, she said she just cannot allow herself to believe that. She said she is determined to turn this horrible tragedy into a triumph. She said she is forever changed and she is determined to help others dealing with both infertility and also parents of children with Down Syndrome. She said she is so grateful for the time she had with Maddie, who was such a beautiful baby. She already had a sassy personality. She had red hair and big, beautiful eyes. She made the cutest sounds and the funniest little faces. She also had such beautiful hands and they always seemed to be in poses, as if she was praying or waving hello. Today was her original due date and she would have been 3 months old, but it just was not meant to be.

I feel so much sadness. I grieve the loss of seeing this beautiful little baby grow into a toddler, little girl and young lady. I am sad that I will never see her laugh and play. I am sad that I will not hear her voice call my niece, mommy, something she has wanted to be more than anything. My heart aches for my niece and her spouse. They loved their babies so much. They were able to briefly feel the unfathomable love that parents have for their children. Yet, their children have been taken from them. It just is not fair, but I trust in the Lord and this is one of those times when I cannot lean on my own understanding, because I will never really understand this. 

My family is very fortunate because we have wonderful support within our congregational family. Our dear friend, Heidi, said something that has truly comforted me. She said Maddie and Dylan are not gone. They are simply out of our time frame. In other words, time does not exist where they are. In Psalm 90:4, it says, “For from your viewpoint a thousand years are merely like yesterday or a night watch.” When we are reunited with Maddie and Dylan one day, for them, time does not exist, so time will not have passed for them. We who are left behind are the ones suffering the loss. My niece, in her tremendous strength and resilience, has made a conscious decision to take her profound pain and turn it for good. She said she basically has 2 choices. She can allow this pain to kill her, or she can allow it to make her stronger. She chose the latter. I couldn’t be more proud of her and she continues to amaze me. In the meantime, I really do look forward to seeing my sweet cherubs again. Until then, I will picture them together, playing and frolicking in Heaven. That gives me enormous comfort.